Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost Happy New Year

It's almost Happy New Year and it seems that everyone is trying to get all of their end of the year stuff done. I on the other hand have not been doing much since all of my Christmas humiliation! Here are a few just so you can all laugh at me!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ahhhhh, to sleep in comfort!

My people say I just like to make myself at home....

I was comfortable....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've Been Soooo Busy....

I have been really busy lately, going to the beach, meeting new friends, playing in the water, I even learned how to swim...a little.

I promise I will try to keep you up to date on what I been doin'.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hey Look...I think I'm Famous

My lady person has been really busy taking pictures of me lately....

How do I look?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I met Uncle Riley

Sorry, it has been a while since I updated you on the haps....

I met my Uncle Riley a few weeks ago. People say we look a lot alike. He is a few years older than me, and much I am told. Since we met, I run into him from time to time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another Day at the Beach

What a great day. My person introduced me to a friend of hers, and we all went to the beach. It was a really nice, warm day. The people wanted to photograph, so I just sat and waited.

I look good sitting and waiting!

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's That Rascally Rabbit Time Of Year

Easter Bunny, Shmeaster Bunny...
Whose idea was this anyway?

My People thought this was cute...

I am sooooo pissed!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bath Time - Yuck!

The other day I decided to go running through the yucky mud in the field behind our house. My people did not think this was such a great guess what? Yup...I got a bath.

Hmmmm, I am going to have to agree with them. It was fun at the time, but this bath thing....not so much!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Look, a Star Fish

Another adventure at the beach....

I saw this in the water. I didn't know what it was. It just laid there.

We decided chasing the ball was way more fun....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another Visit To The Beach

I went to the beach yesterday with my friend and neighbor Bella, and her cousin Sasha. Sasha didn't like me when we first met, but I had fun with both of them. Bella's Dad person was launching the ball for all three of us to chase. I had soooo much fun.

Sasha is running away from me in the water. I'm not sure if I like the water yet...

I swear I didn't eat the bird....I swear it wasn't me...(no birds were injured for this photo)

Sasha started to chase me because I was barking at her.

I ran up to my Dad person.....I love my people!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gromit's First Day At The Beach

What a beautiful day. January 31st, 2009, the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, I just couldn't sit still. My people talked to the neighbor people and we all went to the beach. I didn't know what a beach was....until I got there.

What a great place to run and play. This stuff I was running on was kinda' soft. I think the people were calling it "sand". Then there was this wet stuff, but not like the kind that come out in the tub.

Since my friend Bella was there too, we played chase....she is still just a bit too fast for me, but soon, very soon...

and ran, and played and ran and played...

Sometimes I would get a little tired and just wait for Bella to come back...

and sometimes she just wouldn't. Oh well. I had a lot of fun at the beach, playing in the sand and the water. I can't wait to go back again. I think I over heard my people say that if it nice out tomorrow, we may go again. Yippppeeee!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Vacation Is Over

So, I guess the vacation is over. I went to visit my mom in Sacramento and hung out with a couple of my siblings. I had a great time and I am told I put on 6 lbs. My people say that's not bad, they put on 6 lbs. each too.

Here I am sleeping, and the white pup is my sister Sammy.
Here I am with my mom, sleeping again. I'm the one on the right. I had a blast at my mom's house. I played and played and played. We went for car rides, and visited one of my brothers and one of my other brothers just happened to be there. Oh, I fell in the pool and I couldn't get out, so my mom ran in the house to get her person to help me out . . . but I wasn't scared. Really, I wasn't. I had sooo much fun. I missed my people, but I had sooooooooooo much fun.

Another New Friend

A few weeks ago, one of my people introduced me to another of their friends and their friends girl. She is really tall.

I was kinda' scared and kinda' curious. She wanted to play, and so did I but WOW, she is really tall.

It is always fun meeting the ladies!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Like Shelby's Tail

I met Shelby a few days later...she doesn't play quite like Bella, but I really like her and her tail. She let me run around her and chase her tail for her. She was fun too. I think Shelby is 9, so I think get why she doesn't run around so much. Maybe I am just a pain-in-the-tail!

See look, I got it, I got Shelby's tail! This is fun! Hey look she is fun to lead around by her stylish Pink poke-a-dot leash too!

I am having soooo much fun!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Friends

I met my neighbor the other day.

She is really cute. She is older than I am, but I like older women. We love to play, and play, and play, and play. I can hear her coming around the corner and I run to meet her at the gate. I just love to play, she is so much fun.

My people love it when we play. They say it tires me out so I sleep through the night. Hmmm, I just don't know what they are talking about. I just love playing with Bella, she is just so much fun. I really like her.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hey Look, A Puppy...

I'm Here...

and I am soooo cute. That's what my people say. I moved in about a week ago, and I really like it here. Lots of toys, and food, and I even have my own bed - how cool is that! I don't have to share with my brothers and sisters any more!